Thursday, April 06, 2006


At Solomon and Radha's house roof top, they had
left an old bamboo lader, into its little hollow place,
the country robin built a nest and had this little
baby in it. Everyday the family with their two children
Rachel and Steve watched them feeding and singing.
Sadely few days back the cat found this nest and ...
killed this baby bird. The family was very upset and
in tears.

I have promissed that I will make a safe nest box
for the family, so that more birds can nest in it.
We in cities must encourage to protect these birds.
They add beauty. This is worth watching instead of sitting
in front of the TV.

I would like to be a birdie,
Flying 'way up in the air,
Or just sitting on the branches
Of a tree without a care.

I would like to sing as sweetly
In the summer's early morn,
As the birdies do, and always
With my song the home adorn.

But I should be just as willing
To be what I am, and do
Anything the Lord may ask me;
I am willing; but are you?
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Flowers in April:
Now we are in the month of April,
When the flowers seem to say,
"I have come to fill the air.
With my fragrance everywhere."

April and flowers seem to be
Always special company;
Well, no wonder, for we know
Flowers start in April to grow.

God has made the seasons four
For our good and even more;
They are for our comfort, too;
My, what wonders God can do!

God chose me to be born in April;
My Dad went to be with the Lord in April,
I accepted my Lord in April;
Most pictures of flowers I ever took in April!
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Beauty is not the word, can man ever think
to create some thing like this?
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