Saturday, February 11, 2006

On my way to Dharmapuri, this was a little hill.
Some thing was burning at other end of the hill
and the smoke blowing towards the south.....!!!???
No that was cheating...after I took the picture
I notice a electrical cable was passing over my head.
It was so frustrating, I hate those cables. I tried
to smudge it and make it to look like some smoke
coming out from the rocks.
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It was sunrise when I was on my way to
Dharmapuri. . . beautiful paddy field and the
hill at the backdrop.
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Today's catch...Jesus said to these men"Follow
me I will make you fishers of men". It is my Joy
to work with these men at Pondicherry.
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Sun set at Pondicherry
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Beauty in a drop !

It's dripping...dripping... Just a drop of water.
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Friday, February 10, 2006

While I opened the shutter, moved my camera
in circle over my gift wraped box.
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There was a gift wraped box on my bed, the paper
it was foil paper, it reflected light. I opened the
shutter and gave a big swing ove the box and
my bed. Look what I arrived with.
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I held my camera in front of TV, while clicking,
I gave a big jurk up and down, look at the effect!
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Click and swing the Camera very fast and good
speed, but be careful to have a good hold of your
camera. In case if you dropped the camera,
what ever that picture you get,
please do let me see it also!!!!!

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Click and jurk the camera
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Click and swing infront of the tube light
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Click and swing in front of light bulb
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Click, swing and rotate the Camera
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Click and swing the camera
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Creative Photography

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Monday, February 06, 2006

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Sunday, February 05, 2006

Who painted it ?

"And out of the ground made the LORD God to
grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight. . ."
Genesis 2:9

Every single leaf of the tree has such beautiful
design. We can notice thousands of designs in
nature if we have a keen eye. Besides being
beautiful, leaves absorb carbon dioxide from
the air in photosynthesis and give us fresh
oxygen air. Can we not thank God for such
a great gift he has given to the man kind.

Just take a deep breath, and think if we don't
have this free OXYGEN, and if it has to be
manufectured for every humanbeing, and
supplyed, Who on earth can do this. We have
enough trouble getting our cooking gass! ! !

Paul Dass said it -
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Painted Leaves

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Friday, February 03, 2006


The perfect colour combination, shape, texture
and smell all indicate that it is the work of a
very skilful designer.

The universe is full of countless evidences of
intelligent design of the highest order, whether
it is found in the starry heavens, or in the law
and order of the atoms hiding from the most
powerful microscope. How did these perfect
designs come in to existence without a designer?

Even though we cannot see the maker, yet
may know that he exists by what he has made!
"For the invisible things of him from the
creation of the world are clearly seen,
being understood by the things that are made,
even His eternal power. . ." Rom1:20

What would anyone think of us if we pointed
to a beautiful car and say that it has no
manufacturer or designer for it?
They will think we are crazy. But though
there are somany things in the natural
world that has far more workshmanship
than any of the most advanced machinery
ever made by man, people think that we
are crazy when we say that there is a
creator behind them all.

Just see the increadible intricacy of a few
things of nature and determine for yourself
whether it had a designer or whether it
randomly came into existence by mere chance!
Many examples showing God's design could
be given, possibly with no end.
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Thursday, February 02, 2006

Tea Stall

We stopped on our way back to have a cup of Chai,
I tell you, no five star hotel can stand before this
Chai. It is just Rs.2/- only (less than $.0.o5)
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Every act of yours will reflect who you are,
and who is dwelling in you. So, Jesus in your
heart will reflect His character, through
your life and in every action.
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