Tuesday, January 31, 2006

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And He said, "How shall we picture the kingdom of God,
or by what parable shall we present it? It is like a
mustard seed, which, when sown upon the soil, though
it is smaller than all the seeds that are upon the soil,
yet when it is sown, grow up and becomes larger than
all the garden plants and forms large branches; so that the
birds of the air can nest under its shade."
Mark 4:30-32

"Lord I am planting little seeds today in my garden.
They are such little seeds. One has to believe in miracles
to think something as tiney as a fly-speck is going to grow
two feet tall and a foot wide - and maybe even bloom!"

And Jesus said, -

If you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this
mountain, "Move from here to there," and it shall
move; and nothing shallbe impossible to you.
Matthew 17:20 NASB

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The Biblical reference to the "lilies of the field"
is the subject of much debate. Most believe it to
be the Palestinian Anemone, because it is found
growing throughout Palestine, and because in the
spring it displays strikingly vivid pink blossoms.

On the other hand, there are those who believe Jesus
was referring to the inner beauty of the flowers,
and perhaps he was referring to the chamomile flower
(Anthemis palestina)

Artists depicting the Virgin Mary in the Middle Ages
included white lilies. They were white Madonna lilies,
symbosizing purity and grace.

In any case, contemporary Bible translators have
a tendency to interpret the passage as wild flowers
and grasses in general. The beauty of wild plants
in that they bloom just as God intends,as God bestows
grace on us all. Even now when we are able to
cultivate flowers of great diversity, the sight of
a simple wild flower touches our hearts.

Consider the flowers of the field, how they grow;
they neither toil nor spin; yet I tell you, even
Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like
one of these.
Luke 12:27
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Flowers on my pathway

It was five in the evening, I jsut came out of my house
to take a little walk. The sun was just going down
and what I saw, through these flowers were facinating.
However I saw the light, passing through this little
flower, I captured them in my camera. What a treasure
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I don't know the name of this spider. It is just
2 mm in size, and it was facinating to see through the
macro lence, as the light was shining through this
insect. I did this picture with my limited gagets.
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Rivina - Phytolaccaceae

Rivina Humilis Bloom

This plant was named after the Leipzig botanist
August Quirinus Rivinus, 1652 - 1723
Origin -It occurs in the southern part of the
United States and Mexico. It also grows wild
in many tropical countries. I have the joy of growing
it at my home.
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Rivina Humilis Berry
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Begonia in full bloom
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Begonia flower
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Light and Shadow Drama

Peace plant flower Posted by Picasa